Are there any side effects to PMU removal?

1 min. readlast update: 10.26.2023

Side effects are generally very mild for eyebrow tattoo and microblading removal. You might temporarily see some slight redness around the area or, if you have particularly dense eyebrow tattooing, you may experience some pinpoint bleeding as we need to work deeper to target the ink. However, we’ll discuss this with you during your consultation so you know exactly what to expect.

You might also see hairs turn lighter during treatment, which is quite normal as the pigmentation may be removed from them. Very rarely some clients might experience temporary hair loss, but as we do not work deeply enough to target the hair follicle this is not permanent and they will grow back as normal. 

There is always a risk of oxidation with permanent makeup. When permanent makeup oxidises, we usually see the ink develop red and then yellow tones. If you’re concerned about oxidation, we recommend a patch test.

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