Does it hurt?

1 min. readlast update: 10.26.2023

Pain is subjective and what one person finds barely noticeable or even slightly uncomfortable, another may find more painful. 

One way we reduce pain is by prioritising skin health. Our patented LightSense™ laser system is a lot kinder to the skin than older laser machines, and uses 34x less energy than the average Pico laser to gently yet effectively break down ink without damaging the skin. Unlike the '“hot bacon grease getting flicked on you over and over again” as actor Mark Wahlberg described it, our clients often say they have minor to no discomfort at all—with some saying it hurts less than getting a tattoo! Others have described it as a sharp scratch or like an elastic band pinging against their skin. 

During treatment, we aim to keep you comfortable by actively cooling the skin to reduce sensitivity. We also work at your pace and have ice packs available should you require them.

Don't take our word for it, hear about how the treatments feel directly from our clients:

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