When will I start to see results?

1 min. readlast update: 10.26.2023

Your time is precious, we get that - and we understand you want your tattoo removed quickly! Every removal is unique and there's not a one-size-fits-all answer to when you can expect to see results.

It takes an average of 8-12 sessions to completely remove a tattoo. We remove approximately 10% of the tattoo each session, but you might not see visible results until the third. The process is working under the surface, in the dermis. We’ll track your progress through regular photography and highly detailed dermatascope imaging.

With our skin-safe LightSense™ laser system, there is little to no downtime needed between treatments and we can have you back in as little as 2-3 weeks. That’s because your skin doesn’t need the extra time to heal like it would with other lasers that often cause scarring, blistering or burns.  

Check out some of our results here:

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